Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul, Turkey
The Blue to go there again and again

Thursday, November 29, 2012


the first time i ever baked a cake! and it worked hehhehe ngembang up...up up.... tips nya: NEVER EVER MIX IT WITH METAL AFTER YOU ADD THE FLOUR.....thats it! and this is the recipe: 4 eggs 2 glasses of sugar 1 glass of milk (ultramilk) 1 glass of vegetable oil 3 glasses of flour 1 teaspoon baking powder you may add coccoa or vanilla essence this how you do : 1. mix egg and sugar about 7 minutes 2. add milk and oil in medium speed 3. remove all the metal parts and just leave the bowl and wooden stick spatula mix the flour 4. seperti biasa loyangnya dikasih tepung and margarine agar not sticky 5. baked in 200 celcius degrees kalo udah ngembang lower to around 170 celcius degree. 6. have a nice baking!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nasi sudah jadi bubur!

Enaknya dijadiin bubur ayam and sutlac! Itulah yang terjadi pada hari ini..gak tau kenapa ni magic compnya menghasilkan nasi tapi belum mateng bener uaduh kan ni pagi2 masa masak nasi lagi sih! Yaudah gimana caranya gimana biar gak mubazir...goreng ayam...disuir2 tambah kecap asin dan lada dia atas nasi bubur trus setengahnya dibuat firinda sutlac tinggal kasih susu 1liter dan gula pasir 1,5 gelas plus vanili. alhamdulillah anak2 suka......dan yg penting gak mubazir.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Kota kedua gunungpati Semarang (Juli 2008-2012) Banyak sekali kenangan yg terukir...dan tak mungkin terlupa....empat tahun menempati rumah yang sama di perumahan greenwood.. sekitar 10 menit ke tempat kerja walau agak naik dan berkelok tapi udaranya masih fresh karena kanan kiri jalan masih banyak hutan, gak ada macet kecuali kalau ada truk yg mogok gak bisa nanjak...di kota ini pula 'terpaksa' belajar mengemudi.....hiks motornya dah gak muat untuk bertiga ditambah calon anak kedua hehehe anyway here are some recommended places and things.... 1. food kebnyakan lokasi di gunungpati -nasi ayamnya pak thori harganya lumayang seporsi nasi ayamg grg/bkr Rp 17.000 and nasi bebek gorengnya Rp. 19.000 - gado-gado, petis, pecelnya yg di gunungpati homemade bener2 jualan depan rumahnya sendiri si ibu and suaminya yg kompak ....lumayan kalau hari minggu jam 10 sekeluarga dah pada nongkrong deh di sana..hehehe es klapanya...enak banget pake gula jawa.... - soto ayamnya bu ti'ah yg juga lokasinya di gunungpati...sebelum hamil anak ketiga hampir setiap hari ke sana pesennya soto satu gak pake nasi toge ajah hehehe cuma 3500 perak hiks dibandung harganya sembilan ribu whuuaaa -mie ayam pak zam masih di gunungpati...mienya agak besar kenyal dan ayam chunknya lumayan besar..... -bubur ayam bandung didaerah puri anjasmoro bukanya dari pagi sampai siang ...toppingya komplit ada cakwenya and yg paling penting ada tongcay dipisah piring kecil....padahal di bandungnya mah bubur bandung teh gak begitu...gak ada kuahnya and gak ada tongcaynyah kalo tempat makan yg bagus viewnya pasti kampung laut! 2. Pelelangan ikan dekat stasiun tawang....senangnya lihat ikan and jenis laut lainnya pada ngumpul banyak disitu memamng belinya minimal 2 harganya pasti lebih murah daripada tukang sayur*dasaremak2

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Perjalanan hidup setelah menikah membawa saya untuk tinggal di beberapa kota, sebenarnya karena tugas suami dan tugas saya juga karena kami bekerja di tempat yang sama dan pastinya kalau suami pindah tugas kemana disitulah saya juga 'bertugas'hehehe Kota pertama yaitu Banda Aceh (NAD)Juli 2006-juni 2008 Subhanallah, sekitar bulan juni 2006 saya ditelpon suami bahwa kita akan pindah ke aceh! Saya gemmmbiira sekali.....bukan kenapa2 pasalnya agak jenuh juga tinggal di Depok selama 8 tahun!...buat saya seperti hiburan hehehe walau beberapa teman yg juga dipindah ke sana ada yg 'bimbang','takut', khawatir, tinggal di aceh yang baru terkena tsunami.....sebetulnya untuk aceh sendiri pertama kali saya ke sana justru 2 bulan setelah tsunami tepatnya februari 2005...tapi memang waktu itu hanya tinggal seminggu... anyway packingnya cuma seminggu aja....sampai sana tinggal seminggu di rumah teman yg kebetulan dipindah ke bandung sampai akhirnya kami temukan rumah di LAM ARA, sewa setahun sampai dua tahun. hehehe anyway 1st year abit hard adjusting with the food cuz at that time i was having my 1st son :) here are some recommended places kalau sdg ada waktu di banda...:) 1. Mesjid Baiturrahman Pastilah tak melupakan masjid yg indah ini bahkan ketika tsunamipun airnya tak masuk. lokasinya pun di tengah kota...putar2 keliling banda sampenya juga pasti ke sana :)... 2. PASAR ACEH buibu yg suka belanja would really love this place cuz its the only pasar belanja kain and stuff ..oya ini edisi thn 2006-2008 ya so now there might have changes.... while di depan pasar aceh ada kedai sioooomay yg top markotop deh lebih dari yg biasa bahkan untuk standar aceh pun..hehehhe soalnya nyari gado2 kok gak kaya di jakarta ya...butiran kacangnya besar...kadang nama makanan sama tapi ...bahan dan rasa ...bedaaaa 3. Blangrakal adalah nama toko grocery and dairy prod import. mau cari lentil, yogurt, kuskus, peterseli dst, lumayan lengkaplah...memang tidak sebesar r*nch market tp cukuplah hehehe di banda waktu itu ada dua tokonya tapi yg biasa sy kunjungi yg dekat neusu.


Alhamdulillah...akhirnya bisa juga kebuka dashboardnya setelah sekian lama walau ni internet masih lowwww...tapi teteup pan harus bersyukur..... banyak sekali yang mo ditulis semenjak alih profesi menjadi ibu rumah tangga full time di awal tahun ajaran 2012 ini....sebetulnya masih jetlag juga hehehhe being a fulltime mommy and wife ternyata subhanallah....its an endless 'job' 24 seven....till the end of your life hehhee tetup kudu bersyukur alhamdulillah selalu diberikan kesehatan dan keimanan oleh Allah swt. Mulai dari mana ya......dari awal lah---- sebetulnya masih sungkan untuk menulis, apa yang harus ditulis dan batasan apa yang harus diperhatikan....lebaykah, malukah, riyakah,sombongkah...tapi sy coba untuk menepis semua...karena ketika saya mencari informasi tentang pengalaman menghadapi sesuatu entah itu anak sakit,hamil, melahirkan, pendidikan and everything from a to z i always enjoy reading it...all of the aspect of the writer's wrote in their inspiring and ofcourse...knowledge increasing----- so bismillahirrohmaanirrohim!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Reading Aloud


In 1985, the Commission on Reading's report, Becoming a Nation of Readers, presented among its findings that "the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children." The commission backed up its conclusion with research that indicated reading aloud in the home is an essential contributor to reading success, and that reading aloud in the classroom is "a practice that should continue throughout the grades."
Learn More About the Benefits of Reading Aloud to Students

Reading Aloud -- Is It Worth It?
Many teachers believe reading aloud enhances classroom instruction and improves academic achievement -- and recent research supports their beliefs. Included: Jim Trelease, author of The Read-Aloud Handbook, talks with Education World.

Reading Aloud -- Are Students Ever Too Old?
Is there ever a time when students are too old to be read to? Many teachers are firm believers in reading aloud -- even at the upper grade levels!

Surprised By Reading Aloud: Confessions of a Math Teacher
Time pressures and accountability have caused educators to look seriously at the way they use class time. One of the results: many teachers are not reading aloud to students as much as they did in the past. Educator Brenda Dyck reflects on this development.

Principals Share Favorite Read-Aloud Books
Education World asked principals to share their favorite books to read aloud to students. The result is a list of books -- some popular and familiar, others obscure -- that should be on every principal's reading list. Included: More than 20 recommended titles.

Shared Reading: Listening Leads to Fluency and Understanding When Janet Allen entered the teaching profession, she was shocked by her students' lack of enthusiasm for reading. In desperation, she searched for a way to turn things around. Included: Tips for a successful "shared reading" in middle and high-school classrooms.

Make Holiday Time Read-Aloud Time
In 2001, the U.S. Department of Education launched its Home for the Holidays Reading Together initiative to encourage parents and children to spend holiday time reading together. Included: Tips for getting the most out of reading aloud to kids.


* Trelease on Reading
* Reading Aloud to Build Comprehension
* Do's and Don'ts for Reading Aloud to a Group of Children
* The Magical Gift of Reading Aloud

Additional Reading Resources from Education World

* Reading Fun Archive of Articles
* Celebrate Children's Book Week Archive of Articles

Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World®
Copyright © 2004 Education World

Originally published 02/09/2004
Links last updated 04/23/2008

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Has always been the same story when it comes to cook for the guest..."What to cook?" 10 times before the D-day..hehehe....even a week before...padahal again the same thing .... let me post here ok?!

1. Ispanakli Borek-Spinach Puff-Martabak Bayam
2. Zeytinli Pogaca-Olive Bread-Roti Zaitun
3. Peynirli Tavada Borek-Cheese in thin bread-Roti tipis lipat isi keju
4. Menemen-Scrambled Eggs and Vegetables-Telur Orak-arik tomat